Fungus between the toes: causes, symptoms and treatment

Unbearable itching and redness of the skin between the toes, cutting pains in walking are the first symptoms of the most common dermatological problem - fungal skin lesions. Germinating through the sensitive epithelium of the skin, the mycelium of the fungus gradually "spreads" over the entire plantar surface of the foot, causing uncomfortable wet and scaly areas, painful cracks and deformities of the nails.

how and how to treat fungus between the toes

Malignant fungi and related factors

The cause of the disease are the fungi dermatomycetes, among which the genus Trichophyton is considered the most common. They live almost everywhere - in swimming pools and on beaches, in people’s shoes and on animal hair, but the disease is not always caused. An important factor is the formation of an infectious gate through which dermatomycetes can penetrate to a sufficient depth.

Fungus between the toes occurs when the protective functions of the skin are weakened:

  • When wearing tight, closed shoes. This is especially true during the hot season, when the sweat released creates the conditions for maceration of the skin, becoming the abode of many microorganisms.
  • Abrasions and scratches are ready doors for fungus to enter. If you have them, you shouldn’t risk trying someone else’s shoes on your bare feet, walking barefoot in the pool, sauna and steam bath.
  • Fans of cheap pedicures in salons of dubious fame must look for an effective remedy against fungus on the feet between the toes. The procedure itself involves cutting the skin and scrubbing the skin, and non-sterile instruments can be "enriched" with fungi.

Fungus between the fingers: symptoms and complications

How the fungus looks on the feet between the toes cannot be described unambiguously, because the disease has several forms, each of which is characterized by special manifestations:

  • Dyshydrotic foot fungus is characterized by three stages - redness, blistering with liquid and drying of the bark, peeling. All three phases coexist as a rule on the same parts of the skin. The insidiousness of the dyshidrotic form of dermatomycosis lies in its great resemblance to eczema. A laboratory smear test is required for an accurate diagnosis.
  • The squamous form is characterized by redness and severe flaking of the skin.
  • Squamous-hyperkeratotic lesion causes severe itching and tingling, seals and peeling scales appear somewhat later.
  • In the intertriginous form, the manifestations are so typical that you don't even have to look at what the fungus looks like between the fingers in the photo: severe itching, burning are accompanied by peeling and the formation of painful cracks and rather large foci of epidermal peeling.
  • Intertriginous and dihydrotic forms of dermatomycosis require caution and sensitive methods of treatment, because the secondary microflora can easily penetrate into the weeping foci and cracks, which will lead to the appearance of abscesses. Despite the chronic course, they have pronounced inflammatory processes, which requires the use of emollient ointments and anti-inflammatory baths.

Drug treatment

In the arsenal of modern medicine there are a number of drugs to treat fungus between the toes. Among them are local ointments and tablets that destroy fungi from within. As a rule, the specialist selects the drug based on the analysis of the degree of development of the disease, its shape and coverage. Systemic therapy with tablets is used only in advanced cases when the skin of the whole foot is involved in the procedure and characteristic changes are found on the nail plates.

Antifungal ointments have been divided through several generations. But it should be understood that even the most effective remedy against fungus between the toes does not guarantee procrastination if you ignore the rules of personal hygiene and numerous precautions.

Throughout the treatment, a gentle pedicure should be performed at least once a week. After that, the frequency can be reduced to once every two weeks.

Since the fungus can survive on socks and shoes, they also need to be treated. To do this, use liquids that contain chlorine, such as bleach.

If you are thinking about how to get rid of the fungus between your toes, don’t forget to change your socks every day. For two or three days in a row, wearing clothes already retains traces of the sweat in which the parasites live and multiply.

Only a combination of a therapeutic course chosen by a specialist and careful observance of all hygiene rules can guarantee a quick recovery from the disease.

Treatment of fungus between the toes folk remedies

Traditional medicine has collected a lot of recipes to fight fungus, including products from kitchen cabinets and very exotic herbs and medicines. The most affordable among them are:

  • Iodine, daily lubrication of lesions that brings visible results in a week.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, which gained popularity thanks to the work of a famous doctor. Its ability to destroy the cell membranes of the fungus and create a film on the surface of damaged skin guarantees quick relief from the disease.

If you have spent a lot of resources and are thinking about how to treat fungus between your toes, you should also try the effect of vinegar. Despite the fungi that live in a slightly acidic environment, it does not tolerate an increase in pH. Lubricating the affected areas with a solution of 9% vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 8 gives positive results within 2-3 weeks.

The most popular drugs in folk medicine - garlic and garlic - also have an antifungal effect. The mash prepared from them is mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied to the affected skin before bedtime.

You have not decided how to treat fungus on the feet between the toes, do not forget to destroy them on shoes and personal hygiene items. This is what guarantees the absence of recurrence in the very near future.